Tailored for your supply chain
We know that all supply chains have their own challenges and obstacles that needs to be addressed. A packaging solution should be designed with the whole supply chain in mind – by this approach you can achieve saving beyond the packaging.
Team Knowledge
SR2C Industrie designs, prototypes, tests, and engineers complex and customised packaging solutions for industries that manufacture and transport high-end, fragile materials.
Challenging Industries
SR2C Industrie provides engineered industrial packaging solutions for industries that have fragile, heavy, or unusually shaped packages, or exceptionally unique requirements.
SolidWorks Stations and CAD tools
Custom containers
With our optimised solutions you will both reduce the impact on the environment and reduce your total cost of logistics significantly.
Our engineering consulting department is equipped with SolidWorks Stations and use the last tools of CAD with the interfaces necessary for the transformation of CATIA files. The formats ” .step ” or ” .iges ” allow an easy usage of the DFN of our Customers.